March Outfits Recap~

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Hi everyone!
During March, we had 7 looks that they were pre-spring and spring looks.
Which outfit is your favorite?
Mine is the look with the skirt of Peter Pilotto x Target, the last one. 

I want to let you know about this wonderful sale from Rowme. 

White And Black Fluid Striped Shirt
1am 3rd April GMT, lasts only 24 hours!
400 pieces for $9.99! Don’t miss out.
It’ll help you save 75% in total


Don't forget to follow Petite Fashion Monster on Facebook//Twitter//Pinterest//Instagram


Hola a todos!
Durante Marzo tuvimos 7 atuendos.  Todos ellos fueron pre-primavera y ya los últimos le dieron bienvenida a mi temporada favorita, la primavera.

Poco a poco estamos dejando los colores oscuros y le damos una bienvenida a los colores vivos.
¿Cuál es tu look favorito del mes? 
El mío es el último con la falda de Peter Pilotto x Target.

Sigue a Petite Fashion Monster en Facebook//Twitter//Pinterest//Instagram


3 comentarios:

  1. You had some amazing outfits girl! I just love those yellow heels and the perfectly matching purple themed outfit :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  2. I love the look with all the mixed patterns!

    -- Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo


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