(images from tumblr)
I’m so sorry for not posting anything on the week. I feel a
bad blogger. I was just so full of school projects: I had to make a website and
design a book about my life; it was also my boyfriend’s birthday and to top it
all I got sick for not eating a thing because of the stress I had.
Now, these pictures represent the things I like. I’ve always
been a fan of history and mostly of the period time. My favorite movies are
period ones, mostly 2005’s Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley. I’m
not a fan of white as you may know, but I love beige and most when it comes
with lace.
Sometimes I feel I was born in the wrong time, I would have
loved being in the XVIII or XIX century in England. Though women weren’t
important back then, I think that period is really where I’d fit.
All these pictures represent me. Feminine, simple and
Like always :D like the facebook page to more updates ;D